Financial Programs

Financial Empowerment Coaching  Financial Emp

Financial Empowerment Center (FEC) Coaching, is all about getting your personal finances in order. You will benefit, by enhancing and developing the skills you will need to know to understand your finances, keep track of them and reach your personal goals.   

For many years, the City of Miami through ACCESS Miami, has made tangible efforts to act as a catalyst by promoting financial literacy. Educating thousands of residents and small businesses on such topics as credit and money management, and foreclosure mitigation.  

For more information contact

Access Hope

Access HOPE is a joint initiative between the City of Miami’s ACCESS Miami and Operation HOPE, Inc and Suntrust Bank. Access HOPE offers services throughout Miami-Dade county. These services include financial literacy workshops for youth and adults, credit and money management counseling, foreclosure prevention counseling and mortgage loan modification assistance. For details on upcoming workshops, please call 305-904-5298 or email . or visit their website for the nearest location:

Foreclosure Prevention

Foreclosure Prevention - It's a growing problem across the country: Homeowners facing foreclosure are losing their money – and their homes – to loan modification scams. Information is your best defense. If you see the signs of a scam and know the facts, you can protect yourself. Learn more in English or Spanish.

AARP Foundation Housing Solutions Center

AARP Foundation Housing Solutions Center connects homeowners age 50 and older to free HUD-certified counseling, resources and education that can help prevent foreclosure. Call toll free to (855) 850-2525 or dial 311 in Miami  to begin a free foreclosure prevention session today. Additional information is available online at


Apprisen develops solutions for all stages of an individual's financial life. As a result of their experience, they have identified the elements of effective money management. That is what has driven the development of many of the materials they use in their sessions and the topics they teach in our communities.   For more information click here or, please call 1-800-355-2227.