
The City of Miami is proactively creating an education program for bicyclists and law enforcement personnel to work together towards safe bicycling habits. The State of Florida and South Florida collectively rank in the bottom 5% of states and counties respectively for pedestrian and bicycle fatalities on roadways. Both motorists and cyclists need to become aware of current traffic safety laws and engineering solutions can provide a safer environment for all traffic.

The City is also looking to partner with the University of Miami's Miller School of Medicine. UM has managed a program WALKSAFE, a formal school based program that educates elementary school children and has resulted in a major reduction in the number of pediatric pedestrian injuries. This program should be expanded to include a BIKESAFE program in our middle schools. The City has also committed in the Bicycle Action Plan to have staff certified as League of American Bicyclist , "League Certified Instructors". These instructors will hold classes teaching the "Traffic Skills 101" course.

Florida's Bicycle Laws

Information about Bicycling and Walking

Safe Cycling Videos